Serv-U FTP Server Corporate Edition



Serv-U FTP Server v6.3.0.1 Corporate Edition
Мощная и простая в управлении утилита, превращающая любой подключенный к интернет компьютер в FTP-сервер. Имеет множество функций: инструментарий наследования прав доступа (создание групп пользователей). Имеется поддержка виртуальных путей(папок). Поддержка удаленного администрирования, докачка файлов.

Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!


21 Фев 2008
Serv-U File Server

What's New in This Release:
Bug Fixes:
Corrected a security issue where it was possible to see directories, create directories, and download files above a user's root directory (Secunia SA47021). This security error has been in Serv-U since Serv-U version 1.0.
Corrected a bug where end-users could delete their home directory.
Corrected an SFTP (via SSH2) upload transfer rate bug where the domain, user, and group active transfer statistics were incorrect.
Corrected a move file bug where the new parent directory's permissions were being checked when the new directory was different from the original.
Corrected a bug where PASV listen sockets would remain open until after they were no longer needed. This could cause some systems to use too much memory or eventually fail to accept FTP data connections.
Corrected a bug when creating a new domain, the domain would not go "on-line". Firing startup events, writing to the log, and starting statistics would not occur unless the domain was manually disabled then enabled or Serv-U was restarted.
Corrected a bug where Serv-U did not properly verify that upgrade protection is valid for a new version being installed on Windows Vista or newer.
Corrected a Management Console bug where button icons were misplaced when using a Firefox browser on a Linux OS.
Corrected a bug in the Web Client where file and directory names containing ampersands could not be moved using drag and drop.
Corrected a Management Console bug where combo box drop-down lists would persist when the containing dialog was closed while the combo box drop-down list was still active.
Corrected a Mobile Web Client bug where navigating to directories with certain characters in the name would result in an error.
Год выпуска: 2011
Язык: multilanguage/Русский
Лекарство: есть
Размер: 16,4 Мб
Последнее редактирование модератором:


VIP кандидат
11 Мар 2009
На данный момент есть возможность выложить новые версии программы с лекарством?


21 Фев 2008
Serv-U File Server Platinum

What's New in This Release:

> Reduced Serv-U's download latency time between file reads for FTP/S and HTTP/S by taking better advantage of Serv-U's multi-threaded architecture on multi-core servers.
> Added Serbian (Latin) translation.
> Added additional HTTP parameters to force browsers to revalidate cached files with Serv-U.
> Added event information into the log for email event messages and execute events to identify the triggering event.
> Updated OpenSSL libraries from 0.9.8w to 0.9.8x.
> Improved the Linux socket implementation to be smoother.
> Added wildcard path comparisons for ratio free files allowing full or partial directories to be specified in addition to file names and wildcards.
> Improved database user look up speeds when more than one database user category is in use.
> Discontinued upgrade capability for Serv-U versions and earlier (pre-Serv-U Upgrading from Serv-U and greater is still supported.
> Updated the "Doctype" for HTML files used by the Management Console to allow for better standardization between web browsers.
> Added an HTTP limit to the server, domain, group, and user levels to allow or disallow the use of FTP Voyager JV (enabled by default).
> Improved SSL closure for clients performing SSL shutdown after an upload.
> Added the ability to automatically resize columns within Web Client Pro by double-clicking on a column's right-hand border.
> Changed the Serv-U Gateway "heartbeat" check to once every 5 minutes (from once per hour) while Serv-U considers a Serv-U Gateway running. When a Serv-U Gateway is found to be unavailable, Serv-U closes sockets using the gateway to help administrators identify network problems.
> Updated the layout of the FTP Voyager JV "Synchronize Folders" dialog.

Bug Fixes:
> Corrected a serious SSL bug, affecting HTTPS and FTPS, where connections that failed to complete SSL negotiation could cause other connections to fail. This problem appeared mostly while using Web Client Pro or FTP Voyager JV while downloading or uploading on a very busy server. Transfers would intermittently fail or appear to be frozen.
> Corrected a bug where disconnecting the current administrative session while remotely configuring would cause Serv-U to crash.
> Corrected a bug when using upload / download ratios could cause Serv-U to crash.
> Corrected an FTPS SSL data socket closure problem to recognize client-side SSL_shutdown and socket closure to prevent erroneous "426 Data connection unexpectedly closed, file transfer $PathName aborted by client.". This only occurred with certain FTPS clients connecting locally ( or ::1).
> Corrected a Linux HTTPS bug where SIGPIPE was not being handled (ignored) causing Serv-U to crash through OpenSSL.
> Corrected a Linux HTTP/S bug where prematurely closed sockets could cause Serv-U to crash on very fast networks.
> Corrected an HTTP/S download bug where Serv-U would not recognize a canceled download until the session closed (logout or timeout).
> Corrected an HTTPS problem, introduced in Serv-U, where SSL error log items were added to the log due to how Microsoft Internet Explorer sometimes prematurely terminates SSL negotiations.
> Corrected a Serv-U / Serv-U Gateway bug where Serv-U was not closing rejected incoming connections in Serv-U Gateway.
> Corrected a bug where moving database groups to regular groups caused the loss of those moved groups between Serv-U starts and stops.
> Corrected a bug where background user account maintenance would load user accounts but not unload them causing memory usage to grow to appear like Serv-U had a memory leak.
> Corrected a bug where background user account maintenance would cause a memory leak for very large database categories.
> Corrected a bug where database users were being loaded unnecessarily for a logged in user when using HTTP/S.
> Corrected a bug where the "User Auto Disable" event was not being triggered for database users.
> Corrected a bug where the "User Deleted" event was being triggered for database users instead of the "User Auto Deleted" event.
> Corrected a bug where the tray management console session would appear in the session list (under Server Activity) when an administrative password was set. The session was shown with a very large session number.
> Corrected a bug where the tray would become unresponsive on a very busy server, usually with more than 50 connections from localhost ( or ::1).
> Corrected a bug when using Serv-U Gateway; a socket handle, in certain cases, would not be closed prior to attempting to connect to a Serv-U Gateway, causing a minor memory leak.
> Corrected a MLST bug when listing a UNC path in Windows, instead of identifying the UNC path as a directory, it was being identified as a file.
> Corrected a bug where ratios were not working for HTTP/S.
> Corrected a bug where events would not trigger when all event rules were disabled. This bug did not occur if no event rules were defined or at least one event rule was enabled.
> Corrected a bug where Serv-U was incorrectly counting the number of users when some users were automatically disabled.
> Corrected a Linux RMDA (FTP/S) and HTTP/S directory deletion bug where not all files were being deleted in very large directories mapped to Windows NTFS network shares causing directory deletion to fail due to the underlying file system.
> Corrected an HTTP/S listing bug where Windows shortcuts' file dates and times were not using the target's information when this feature was enabled.
> Corrected an SFTP (via SSH2) bug where SFTP clients using 0 (zero) for the initial directory read request ID would appear to hang when listing empty directories.
> Corrected an SFTP (via SSH2) bug uploading or downloading empty files would not change Serv-U's file statistics due to the random access nature of the protocol (SFTP). If a file is closed where no bytes were transferred but the file was open for read-only, a download is counted. If a file is closed where no bytes were transferred but the file was open for write-only, an upload is counted.
> Corrected an FTP/S PASV/EPSV bug where Serv-U would not respond with a "425" failure code when it was unable to allocate a passive listener socket. This problem appeared on very busy servers that used a small passive port range.
> Corrected a Management Console bug where the "Maximum size of directory contents" input in the "Directory Access Rule" dialog was misaligned when using a Internet Explorer web browser.
> Corrected a Management Console bug where registering Serv-U could cause the "Edition Information" group box height to become too small.
> Corrected a bug where HTML error pages would display branding while branding was disabled.
> Corrected a Management Console bug where the buttons under the Domain and Server logs could become misaligned when increasing or decreasing the window size.
> Corrected a Management Console bug where the text inside of buttons was vertically misaligned when using a Firefox browser.
> Corrected a Management Console bug where the inherited value for "Use Custom HTML" in "Domain Limits & Settings" was not being saved correctly.
> Corrected a Management Console bug where the "Navigation" menu could produce javascript errors if a mouse over event occurred before the menu was loaded.
> Corrected a Management Console bug where "textarea" inputs would produce a scrollbar when using a Safari browser.
> Corrected a Web Client bug where "Favorites" in the "History" navigation dropdown would submit an empty path and not list the directory.
> Corrected a Web Client bug where certain button states were not being automatically updated when Web Client Pro was enabled or disabled.
> Corrected a Web Client bug where crumb bar paths would not work correctly when using a network path starting with a double slash ("//").
> Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where simultaneously deleting a large number of individual files would cause a slow down.
> Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where a directory that was already listed would send unnecessary relist commands for each child item located within it.
> Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where the web page would send unnecessary requests to Serv-U for toolbar button states.
> Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where "Empty" directories were transferred right after they were listed when "Automatically Start Transfers" was turned off.
> Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where the "Copy, but keep both files" option within the file overwrite dialog was not assigning a new number when the file was restarted.
> Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where a file that is being transferred may fail because the parent directory was in the process of being created.
> Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where a recursive state which processes the active transfer could occur after a "cancelled, paused, or stopped" command was issued. This would only occur when the overwrite confirmation is suppressed and configured to overwrite the destination.
> Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where the overall "Completion" time was invalid.
> Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where the "Completion" information for parent items would show "N/A" when several small files were being processed concurrently.
> Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where pausing the files of a delete operation could show an incorrect state only for the items that were currently being handled.
> Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where confirmation dialogs were sending unnecessary thumbnail requests to the server.
> Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where large numbers located within the "Name" column were not being properly formatted.
> Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where directories marked for deletion would show a '+' indicator to denote that it can be expanded.
> Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where file and directory listings were unnecessarily performed for deletions.
> Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where HTTPS downloads could hang for a very long period of time before timing out.
> Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where cancelling an HTTPS transfer that appeared to be hung would fail to disconnect from the server.
> Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where the "Status" column was not properly formatting the text pertaining to small files.
> Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where unnecessary string resources were being requested from Serv-U.
> Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where double-clicking on any column header would expand or collapse the first item within the transfer queue.
> Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where the page up and page down keys were causing the queue to horizontally scroll to the last column.
> Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where "Remove All" was failing to remove rows from the transfer queue which were in an error state.
> Corrected an FTP Voyager JV bug where HTTPS downloads could hang for a very long period of time before timing out.
> Corrected an FTP Voyager JV bug where cancelling an HTTPS transfer that appeared to be hung would fail to disconnect from the server.
> Corrected an FTP Voyager JV bug where the "Status" and "Overall" columns of the transfer queue were not properly formatting the text pertaining to small files.
> Corrected an FTP Voyager JV bug where synchronize folders would not resolve Windows shortcuts to their targets.
> Corrected an FTP Voyager JV bug where the "Save Login" dialog was not showing Spanish as a language option.
> Corrected an FTP Voyager JV bug where the "Save Login" dialog would put invalid foreign characters into the JNLP file name when Japanese, Chinese, or Russian strings were loaded.
Год выпуска: 2012
Язык: multilanguage/Русский
Лекарство: есть (Patcher)
Размер: 17,2 Мб

Последнее редактирование модератором:


Команда форума
7 Авг 2011
Последнее редактирование:


Команда форума
7 Авг 2011
Serv-U FTP Server

Платформа: Windows All
Интерфейс: Multilanguage/Русский
Лекарство: patch
Размер: 18,9 Мб


Последнее редактирование:


VIP кандидат
11 Мар 2009
У когото есть более свежие версии с лекарством?


VIP кандидат
11 Мар 2009
Уважаемые форумчане кто то может поделиться новой версией с лекарством?


Команда форума
7 Авг 2011
RhinoSoft Serv-U FTP Server v15.1.1.108

Язык: Multi + Русский
Размер: 20,5 MB
ОС: Windows
Лекарство: patch

Процедура лечения:
1. Копируем патч в папку с установленной программой: C:\Program Files\RhinoSoft\Serv-U (или C:\Program Files (x86)\RhinoSoft\Serv-U)
2. Запускаем.
3. Вводим в первое поле свое имя, во второе - свой email.
4. Копируем сгенерированный ключ.
5. Открываем Консоль управления
6. Заходим в Навигация -> Параметры сервера -> Информация о лицензии
7. В самом низ находим кнопку "Ввести ID лицензии"
8. Вставляем ключ, полученный на шаге 4, сохраняем.
9. Программа полностью готова к использованию.





Команда форума
7 Авг 2011