Legend: (+) a feature is added
(*) a feature is improved/changed
(-) a bug is fixed
New in version 9.1.0
+ support of Windows 2008;
* do not show the help message if automatic scan was started;
* language files were updated;
* create restore point only once per day, not in every session run;
+ show total size of registry hives available for Full Backup;
- bugfix: last full backup date was not loaded and cleared on exit if the program started with parameter "/autoscan";
- bugfix: incorrect sorting registry hives to defragment by clicking on column caption;
- bugfix: size of total registry bytes saved from last defragment was not remembered;
New in version 9.0.0
+ many interface changes;
+ Windows 8 compatibility;
+ new error category "Invalid Uninstall records";
* registry scan is now much faster;
+ some basic adaptation to touchscreens;
+ support of multi-monitor configurations;
* fast "open in RegEdit" functions;
+ close filter and legend forms on Escape key press;
+ new "Item Menu" button near the "Filter" button to access mouse pop-up menu items on touchscreens;
* button caption changed from "Back" to "Reset Results" after registry search to avoid confusion;
+ show paths to scan for corrections before registry scan, show "Configure" button to open the Settings dialog;
+ Registry Manage: refresh the lists on F5 key press;
+ Registry Compress: show summary sizes of used and saved registry files;
- Advanced Settings: color example interface errors are fixed;
+ Advanced Settings: option to hide statistics at the Home screen is added;
+ Advanced Settings: multiselection is added to the excluded strings, paths to scan for corrections and excluded paths lists;
* help file is updated;
* home screen adoptations for displays with large fonts;
* setup: ask to delete settings and user exclusions on uninstall;
- bugfix: full backup creation could not be canceled;
+ some language files updated;
- known bugs are fixed;