Crack Ace Utilities


Команда форума
Super Moderator
14 Дек 2013
Ace Utilities

Ace Utilities - надежная, простая, быстрая и мощная программа для оптимизации работы Вашей системы, удаления ненужных файлов и Интернет-записей. Ace Utilities позволяет пользователю найти и удалить неправильные записи реестра, историю посещений сайтов (подключаемая поддержка для более 100 внешних программ), а также управлять файлами cookies и многое другое.



21 Фев 2008
Ace Utilities Final x86/x64

Changes in v5.3.0 - Dec 10, 2012

Added options in the installer package to create 'pinned icon in the task bar (Windows 7, Windows 8)' and 'Quick-launch icon (Windows XP, Windows Vista)' during installation.
Added 'jump lists' in the taskbar's pinned icon to launch tools in Ace Utilities.
Added a new section - Jumplist - in the 'Options' page. User can choose which items/tools/actions needs to be displayed in the 'Ace Utilities taskbar pinned icon'.
Added an option to bypass Windows 'User Account Control (UAC)' while launching Ace Utilities. 'Enabled' by default, launching Ace Utilities now will not ask for user prompt.
Improved the 'Update module'. Added an option for 'update check interval period'.
Slight change in themes and GUI. Main tools now show a 'progress indicator' in the taskbar icon while a 'scan' operation is in progress.
Made changes in Cookie Manager's user interface. Cookie Manager now saves 'last window position'.
Added a feature where the Cookie Manager shows all the browser cookies by default. Also added an option to 'filter' specific cookies from the list.
While running tasks using command console (cmd.exe) or through the 'Scheduled Cleanup', an 'animated icon' is now displayed in the System Tray. Click on the icon to bring up the 'activity progress window'.
Added '/opentool' paramater in addition to the existing '/launch' option.
Added 'collapsible' functionality to various scan lists like those in the 'Clean System Registry' tool, the 'Remove Junk Files' tool, etc.
'Wipe Recycle Bin' can now be started even if Ace Utilities is running. Earlier, such a call prompted the user to close Ace Utilities first, if running.
Pressing the 'ESC' key now closes Ace Utilities. It also works on individual tools if they are idle.
In the 'Auto-Start Manager', the fetching and display of 'info text' for start-up entries is now made quicker.
Updated the 'delete routine' of 'Remove Junk Files' resulting in better handling of 'locked files'.
Slight change in scanning performance of 'Remove Junk Files'.
Disk Analysis can now be minimized while it is analyzing a drive. Also shows 'progress animation' in its taskbar button while analyzing.
No 'progress window' is displayed while cleaning history/loading 'Misc' page/loading 'Auto-Start Manager'.
Ace Utilities backup location is now in 'localappdata' for fresh installations.
'Cookie Manager' now alerts user if 'Firefox' or 'Chrome' browser is running while Cookie Manager is active.
Internal changes in 'Erase Your History'; provides improved response during scanning and loading different sections/pages.
In Windows 7, the Uninstaller Manager now shows 'install date', 'size' and 'version' info.
Added an option in the 'Restore' window to go to the Ace Utilities backup folder (for 'Expert User' mode only).
'Find Duplicate Files' tool now uses MD5 as the default checksum algorithm.
If no 'save column width' option is selected, lists will now resize automatically.
'Erase Your History' tool now supports 'secure delete' for Opera, Firefox and Chrome browser history.
Fixed an issue in the 'Uninstall Manager' where running it in Windows 8 caused the application to 'hang'.
Fixed an issue where Internet Explorer v9 and v10 cookies were not being listed in the 'Cookie Manager'.
Fixed an issue in 'Cookie Manager' where 'Safari' browser history was not getting cleared.
Fixed an issue in the installer where 'if the previous installation of Ace Utilities was on a drive which is no longer valid, then the update installer would not allow the user to change the install path'.
Fixed an issue in 'Erase Your History' > Clear past icon history of System Tray' option. Ace Utilities no longer uses VBScript.
Fixed an issue in 'Erase Your History' > 'Misc Items' and 'Fix Invalid Shortcuts' tools where in some cases a 'Server Busy' prompt was being shown during the 'loading' process.
Removed 'sound alert' on mouse clicks and at the completion of tasks. Instead, now the taskbar button for Ace Utilities flashes to indicate the 'end of an activity'. Taskbar messages above the System Tray are also disabled except for one or two activites.
Fixed an issue with 'Scheduled Cleanup' where, in some cases, Ace Utilities would crash when scheduled clean up starts.
No progress UI is now shown while deleting files using commandline switches or Wizard.
Removed a 'junk file extension' which caused valid files to be considerd as junk in some rare cases.
Remove Junk Files tool now will not exclude any subfolders inside the Windows Temp folders.
Fixed some issues in the command line usage of the 'Registry Backup/Restore (RegBak)' tool.
Год выхода: 2012
Язык: English
Лекарство: есть (Incl Keygen-Lz0 + key for x86 ver.)
Размер: 11,5 Mb

Последнее редактирование модератором:


Команда форума
Super Moderator
14 Дек 2013
Ace Utilities 6.2.0 Build 289 Final

Информация о программе:
Год релиза: 2016
Платформа/OC: Windows® 10/8/8.1/XP/Vista/7
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Активация: keygen ADMIN_CRACK
Размер файла: 9,0 MB



Команда форума
Super Moderator
14 Дек 2013
Ace Utilities 6.5.0 Build 297

Год релиза:
Платформа/OC: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Активация: keygen
Размер файла: 8,81 MB
